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New York Statute - Arts & Cultural Affairs Law § 14.03, Artists Authorship Rights


N.Y. ARTS & CULT. AFF. LAW § 14.03 (2012)


The Artists Authorship Rights section of the New York Arts and Cultural Affairs Law, which  took effect on Jan. 1, 1985, applies to artworks produced in series of less than 300. These artworks or their reproductions cannot be publicly displayed or published in an altered or modified form without the artist’s consent if the circumstances would indicate the work is that of the artist; nor can the artworks or their reproductions be displayed without the artist’s consent under circumstances that would damage the artist’s reputation. Alteration, defacement, mutilation, and modification by the passage of time, the properties of the materials, or the nature of the reproductive process will not violate the act, as long as the change was not the result of gross negligence.

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