Country Summary for PARAGUAY
Cultural Assets under the protection of this law are those from the pre-colonial, colonial, and independence periods…Monuments, ruins, temples, tombs, public and private buildings…ethnic and historic remains…paintings, sculpture… (Law No. 946/82, Art. 4)
Any person who is aware of the existence of cultural assets that are not inventoried or registered shall be obligated to report them to the Directorate. (Law No. 946/82, Art. 17)
Relevant State Agencies
The Cultural Assets Council is composed of six members appointed by the Executive branch, presided over by the General Director. (Law No. 946/82, Art. 13)
for Cultural Property Dr. Vicente Sarubbi
Ministro de Educación y Culto
Ministerio de Educación y Culto Humaita el Chile y Alberdi Asuncion, Paraguay https:
(595-21) 490375/440500
(595-21) 443919