Country Summary for IVORY COAST
Any moveable goods: ancient art or craft objects, objects used on a daily basis or in rituals and any prehistoric or historic relics having a cultural interest (Law No. 87-806, Art. 2)
Any group of objects belonging to one person or a group of private persons or legal entities which presents a cultural interest recognized by the administration and able to benefit from the financial or technical aid of the State shall be considered a classified private collection. (Law No. 87-806, Art. 49)
Moveable cultural goods described in Arts.1 & 2 of this Law may be classified as national goods. (Law No. 87-806, Art. 56)
for Cultural Property Maurice Kouakou Bandaman
Ministre de la Culture et de la Francophonie
Cité Administrative,Tour E, 21ème étage. Porte 25
(+225) 20 21 83 94