Country Summary for ZIMBABWE
“Ancient monument” means any—
(a) building, ruin or structure or remaining portion of a building, ruin or structure; or
(b) statue, grave, cave, rock shelter, midden, shell mound or other site or thing of a similar kind; which is known or believed to have been erected, constructed or used in Zimbabwe before the 1st January, 1890, but does not include an ancient working;
“Monument” means any—
(a) ancient monument; or
(b) area of land which—
i. is of historical, archaeological, palaeontological or other scientific value or interest;
ii. or has a distinctive geological formation; or
(c) waterfall, cave, grotto, avenue of trees, old tree or old building or remaining portion of an old building; or
(d) other object, whether natural or constructed by man, of historical, archaeological or other scientific value or interest.
“National monument” means a monument which has been declared in terms of § 20(1) to be a national monument.
“Relic” means any—
(a) fossil of any kind; or
(b) drawing or painting on stone or petroglyph known or commonly believed to have been executed in Zimbabwe prior to the 1st January, 1890; or
(c) weapon, implement, utensil or ornament of historical, archaeological or other scientific value or interest known or commonly believed to have been used in Zimbabwe prior to the 1st January, 1890; or
(d) anthropological or archaeological contents of any ancient monument or ancient working; or
(e) other object, whether natural or made or executed by man, of historical, archaeological or other scientific value or interest which is prescribed as being a relic for the purposes of this Act.
“Specimen” means any object held by the Board for the purpose of exhibition, research or study. (NMMA § 2)
The Board [of trustees, to be known as the Trustees of the National Museums and Monuments] shall […] compile and keep a register of all national monuments and of any relics that it has acquired or that have been brought to its notice. (NMMA § 4 (2)(d))
for Cultural Property
The Director
National Gallery of Zimbabwe
P.O. Box CY 848
Ph: 263 4 703 903
F: 263 4 704 668
National Museums and Monuments Administration
P.O. Box 8540
Ph: 263 4 774 208
F: 263 4 753 085