This is a brief excerpt from the document you requested from IFAR’s Art Law & Cultural Property Database.

Country Summary for UZBEKISTAN

I.  Relevant Legislation
II.  Regulated Cultural Property


Cultural values - movable subjects of the material world representing national, historical, art, scientific, spiritual - moral and other cultural importance;

Export of cultural values - moving through customs border of cultural values for limits of territory of Republic of Uzbekistan without the obligation of their return import;

Import of cultural values - moving through customs border of cultural values for limits of territory of Republic of Uzbekistan without the obligation of their return export;

Temporary export of cultural values - moving through customs border of cultural values for limits of territory of Republic of Uzbekistan with the obligation of their return import in the stipulated term;

Temporary import of cultural values - moving through customs border of cultural values for limits of territory of Republic of Uzbekistan with the obligation of their return export in the stipulated term. (1998 Law, Art. 3)


The cultural values fall under action of the present Law which are:
- created by the citizens of Uzbekistan;
- created in territory of Uzbekistan by the foreign citizens and persons without citizenship;
- found out in territory of Uzbekistan;- assembled in museums, libraries, archives, cinema -, photo -, picture galleries and other storehouses;
- acquired archaeological, ethnological and scientific expeditions with the consent of the authorized bodies of the states, whence occur these values;
- received as a result of voluntary exchanges;
- received as the inheritance, gift or lawfully acquired with the consent of the authorized bodies of the states, whence there are these values;
- imported in territory of Uzbekistan by the foreign legal and physical persons. (1998 Law, Art. 4)

The Ministry of Culture carries out registration of exported and imported cultural values, including those only temporarily brought into or out of the country. (1998 Law, Art. 5)

III.  Export Restrictions

IV.  Ownership Rights and Restrictions

V.  Violations, Penalties and Sanctions

VI.  International Conventions and Bilateral Agreements
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Country Contact
for Cultural Property
Mr. Nozim Habiboullayev
The State Museum of Temurids History
(988 71) 132-02-12
(988 71) 132-02-13