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Country Summary for TONGA

I.  Relevant Legislation
II.  Regulated Cultural Property


In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires –

"Committee" means the Committee on Tongan Traditions appointed by His Majesty the King in Council by notice published in Gazette No. 14 of 1954 and any successors thereto duly appointed from time to time;

"object of archaeological interest" means any structure, erection, memorial, tumulus, cairn, place of interment, pit dwelling, trench fortification, irrigation work, mound, excavation, cave, rock, rockdrawing, painting, sculpture, inscription, monolith, or any remains thereof, fossil remains of man or animals or plants or any bed or beds containing such fossil remains thereof, or any object (or any remains thereof) which is or are of archaeological, palaeontological, anthropological, ethnological, prehistoric, or historic interest, and includes-

(a) the site on which such object of archaeological interest was discovered or exists;

(b) such portion of land adjoining the said site as may be required for fencing or covering in or otherwise preserving such object of archaeological interest; and

(c) the means of access to and convenient inspection of such object of archaeological interest. (Section 2)


(1) Where any person discovers any object of archaeological interest in the course of operations permitted by a permit issued under section 3, he shall, without undue delay, give notice thereof to the Committee.

(2) Where any person discovers any object of archaeological interest, otherwise than in the course of operations permitted by a permit issued under section 3, he shall, without undue delay, give notice thereof, indicating the precise site and the circumstances of the discovery, to the Committee, and shall, if so instructed by the Committee, deliver such object to the Committee. (Section 5)


III.  Export Restrictions

IV.  Ownership Rights and Restrictions

V.  Violations, Penalties and Sanctions

VI.  International Conventions and Bilateral Agreements
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