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Case Summary

Charash v. Oberlin College

Charash v. Oberlin College., No. 1:91-cv-00578-PRM (N.D. Ohio Aug. 24, 1992), rev’d and remanded, 14 F.3d 291 (6th Cir. Jan 20, 1994), case settled and dismissed, No. 1:91-cv-00578-PRM (N.D. Ohio July 7, 1994).

Eighteen years after the artist, Eva Hesse, died, Hesse’s sister and heir, Helen Charash, learned that Oberlin College had a large body of Hesse’s drawings. Believing that Donald Droll (since deceased), the drawings’ donor, did not legally possess the drawings, Charash filed a complaint against Oberlin College, claiming

conversion. The District Court initially ruled that the Ohio statute of limitations...

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