IFAR Journal
Volume 12, No. 3
Finding the Real Frederic Remington
— Peter H. Hassrick
A discussion of the methodology behind the catalogue raisonne of Frederic Remington -- one of the most copied American artists -- including the authentication process and the various categories of inauthentic works, e.g., "copies" v. "fakes."
— Sharon Flescher
During an IFAR program, Ernst van de Wetering discussed his revised opinions about several works previously dismissed by the Rembrandt Research Project and announced that a (Self) Portrait of Rembrandt as a Young Man in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art was, in fact, authentic. Not everyone agrees.
Book Review: Rediscovering a Northern Renaissance Master
— Gertrude de G. Wilmers
Review of a dual exhibition catalogue and catalogue raisonné on the complete works of the Netherlandish painter Jan Gossart. The article emphasizes the unique organization and content of this catalogue, the exhaustive scholarship involved, and the detailed technical information provided about the works.
News and Updates: Photographer Prevails in Prince Copyright Infringement Action: Court Takes Firm Stance on Appropriation Art and Fair Use; Defendants Appeal
— Adam Yokell
A discussion of Cariou v. Prince, a lawsuit brought by a photographer against a more famous appropriation artist, who used his images without permission. The court decision added definition to the legal boundary of copyright law's fair use exemption.
News and Updates: No Bed of Roses: Court Says VARA Does Not Protect "Living Gardens"
— Mary Morabito Rosewater and Sharon Flescher
A discussion of Kelley v. Chicago Park District, a case involving a site-specific wildflower garden installed in a Chicago park by the artist Chapman Kelley. The court decision set new standards for the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990 (VARA).
News and Updates: Looting and Damage in Egypt -- an Update
— Jack A. Josephson
A report on the recovery of the Tutankhamun, The Harpooner, found damaged, and other items looted from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo in January 2011.
Stolen Art
Stolen items include a Quartzite Statue of an Amarna Princess, an Uninscribed Calcite Shabti of Yuya, and other objects looted from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo; two paintings by Jasper Cropsey stolen from a museum in New Jersey; Nicolas Poussin's Midas at the Source of the River Pactole and three other paintings stolen from a museum in Corsica, France; the Hougoumont Christ, stolen from the site of the Battle of Waterloo.
Recovered Art
Recovered items include a Gilded Wooden Figure of Tutankhamun on a Skiff Throwing a Harpoon, a Bronze Striding Statue of the God Hapi, and other objects looted from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo; Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot's Wooded Landscape with Figures, stolen in Glasgow, Scotland in 1996; Francisco Guardi's Il rio dei Mendicanti, stolen in Venice in 1986; Frantisek Drtikol's The Wave, stolen in Prague in 2011.