Stolen Art Alert
Volume 4, No. 8
November 1983
Thefts In This Issue: Print Thief Afoot
— Lynn Stowell Pearson
Two Rembrandt etchings (The Presentation in the Temple: In the Dark Manner and Clement de Jonghe, Printseller) stolen from National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa by meticulous thief (sketch included) known as Dr. Thomas F. Cruz
Galleries Victims of Fraudulent Consignment Scheme
— Linda E. Ketchum
Claire Ormsby Eatz, of Bridgewater, NJ, accused of cheating art dealers.
Ecuadorian Antiquities Returned
— Ellen Herscher, Journal of Field Archaeology
800 pieces, most of them terracotta figurines, confiscated by U.S. Customs and returned.
Thefts In This Issue (continued): Reminders of Past Losses in Italy and Greece
Statistics from Andrea Emiliani on Italian art thefts since 1971.
Another Erté
A second example of Erté’s sculpture Splendor stolen.
Guardi Theft
Letter about a small painting by Francesco Guardi, stolen from Madison Avenue gallery.
Hellenistic architectural fragment, surfaced at Sotheby’s in London; Tiffany Studios poppy lamp.
Buyer Beware
Warning on certain Greek vases, offered by a young Italian representing a Milanese industrialist.