Stolen Art Alert
Volume 2, No. 9
November 1981
U.S. Reconsiders the UNESCO Convention
Senate bill (S.1723) to implement the 1970 UNESCO Convention on Cultural Property introduced October 7, 1981. It substantially modifies the most recent House bill (HR 5643) and attempts to adjust the Convention to the U.S. free market style. Unlike earlier versions, this bill has the support of the Association of Dealers in Ancient, Oriental and Primitive Art
Title Claim
Ownership dispute over James Ensor painting, Femmes et Masques.
Owners Sought
Two searches: 1) A collection of Civil War vintage firearms and American Decorative Arts confiscated by Pennsylvania police; 2) Murillo copy and other works, discovered by Los Angeles Police Department.
Art Theft Archive
Description of Art Theft Archive, established in 1975 as part of IFAR. Owners are encouraged to report losses and list them in the Archive.
Collection Cataloguing
Description of IFAR’s art inventory and photographic service.
Stolen Art Alert–Pre-Columbian Antiquities and American Ethnographic Materials
Lists 83 Pre-Columbian antiquities and American Ethnographic works, stolen in three thefts, including the Carnegie Museum.