Stolen Art Alert
Volume 2, No. 6
August 1981
New York Divorce Produces Four Stolen Paintings
— Bonnie Burnham
Appraisal of marital property leads to the recovery of a Grandma Moses, Lots of Fun, as well as paintings by Daubigny, Sisley, and Olaf Seltzer
Copleys Recovered
— Bonnie Burnham
Details of recovery of a pair of Copley portraits, a Pierre Bonnard portrait and a Baudouin that were stolen May 1979 from a truck outside the Wildenstein Gallery, New York.
Renoir Portrait Returned to a Museum
Renoir portrait of Richard Wagner, stolen from Musée de l'Opera in Paris, is found in the U.S. and returned.
Owners Sought
Mid-18th-century English portrait; G. Dawson landscape.