Stolen Art Alert
Volume 2, No. 4
June 1981
A Dürer Diptych Is Awarded to East Germany
— B. Burnham
Brooklyn federal judge awards hinged Dürer portraits of Hans Tucher and his wife, to the State Picture Gallery in Weimar, over several other claimants, including New York collector Edward Eliçofon. Judge Jacob Mischler ruled in effect that neither the principle of adverse possession nor the statute of limitations applies in this case
Miami Impressionist Collection Recovered
Ten important paintings, stolen in Miami in December 1980, recovered.
— James W. Milnor
On weathervane recovery.
Other Recoveries
Two gold coins mysteriously returned to their owner in Arlington County, Virginia; satinwood Bonheur de jour, stolen from a house in Sussex, England, recovered.
Whereabouts Unknown
A Manet study for La Leçon de Musique, disappears from a Basel, Switzerland, warehouse after being shipped from Houston, Texas.