Volume 7, No. 5/6
July/August 1986
Fernand Leger: A Hit and a Miss
— Virgilia H. Pancoast
Of two gouaches submitted to IFAR, one, Two Women with a Parrot, is an original, the other, Woman with Butterflies, is a forgery
Museum Repose Bill Vetoed in Albany
— Constance Lowenthal
Governor Cuomo rejects statute of limitations on stolen-art suits to recover museum acquisitions. IFAR, some federal agencies and museums organizations objected to the bill, which was too close to a 1985 bill, recalled for redrafting at the request of the Attorney General. Related proposal for a national acquisitions registry would give original owners a better chance to track their property.
Still Missing: Rembrandt
Portrait of a Rabbi, stolen in 1978 from M.H. de Young Memorial Museum, The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
A New Con Game
Detective Thomas Moscardini warns of buyers who try to pass bogus certified checks after banking hours.
Prints, Drawings Chagall, Miró. Candlesticks, Candelabra, Lamps: Daum and Brandt, Gallé. Glass Gallé, Lalique, Richard.
Interpol's 12 Most Wanted List
Owners Sought
Pictures seized in Italy in March 1985.
Stolen Art Alert
— Lynn Stowell Pearson
Blessington, Ireland: Beit mansion theft of 11 paintings, valued between $30 and $45 million, includes Vermeer, Lady Writing a Letter with Her Maid and other paintings by Metsu, Palamedes, Gainsborough, Rubens, Vestier, Guardi, and Goya. Budapest, Hungary: Three Flemish mid-16th-century Life of St. Lucy paintings. London, England: Three galleries report thefts and rewards. New York, New York: Antiquities including Phoenician striding bronze figure, Attic lekythos, and Attic red-figure kylix. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Reward for Alexander the Great gold coin.