Volume 6, No. 5
July 1985
The Dali Deception
— Virgilia H. Pancoast
High-pressure sales tactics used to sell counterfeit lithographs, notably of Dali’s The Discovery of America Christopher Columbus.
IFAR Advisory Council Profile
— Constance Lowenthal
James H. Stubblebine, expert on Italian paintings of 13th and 14th centuries.
Report from Europe:
Paris: Developments in theft from Nelly Duhem's home in Juan-les-Pins of Renoir, Jeune fille en rose en chapeau and a Sisley oil, Matin d’automne. Larchant, France: Republished information on 1982 church theft.
Claire Eatz Indicted
— Lynn Stowell Pearson
Trial set on charges of interstate transportation of stolen paintings.
WW II Losses: Owner Searching for Paintings
Renoir, Tête de jeune fille, and Pissarro Rue de la village, disappeared in transit in 1938; reward offered.
Stolen Hopi Ahl Nakchi Discovered in Art Institute of Chicago
— A. Caravella
Horned headdresses belong to Arizona pueblo; art dealer Meryl Pinsoff Platt awaiting trial on interstate transportation charges.
Waxman Case Closed, Owner Sought
All art stolen by Dr. Frank Waxman returned except for Joseph Cornell work.
Resolution on Richard Serra's Tilted Arc
GSA panel recommends removal of sculpture from Federal Plaza and location of alternate site.
Paintings: Morandi, Sagrestani. Prints and Drawings: Rembrandt; Schongauer; Hirschvogel. Decorative Arts: Spanish metals. Correction: Morandi paintings reported recovered in SAA July 1983 are still missing.
Stolen Art Alert
London: Four globes from Royal Geographical Society, Kensington Gore. New York Recovery: Detective Tom Moscardini credited with recovering Renoir, Portrait of Madame Pratt; Frank DeMichele and Thomas Tuzzolo arrested.