Volume 6, No. 1
January/February 1985
St. Paul Reveals His True Age
— Virgilia H. Pancoast
How a painting was found by IFAR to be not by Philippe de Champaigne, and not from the 17th century
IFAR Profile: Edwin L. Weisl, Jr.
— Bonnie Burnham
IFAR president ended his 7-year term in November 1984.
New Tax Regulations Issued
— Representative Cardiss Collins
Letter explains rule changes on tax-exempt gifts valued at $5,000 or more and comments on the insufficiency of the Tax Reform Act’s definition of a qualified appraiser.
Request for Information
Lewis Barnard Sckolnick seeks information for his catalogue raisonné of Leonid Pasternak.
UNESCO publishes Vol. 2 of its compendium of legislative texts, The Protection of Movable Cultural Property, 1984.
Recent IFAR Recoveries
— Lynn Stowell Pearson
New York, New York: Socrates head, one of 3 sculptures recently reported stolen from Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli; Bernardo Bellotto painting, Capriccio with a Domed Church and Buildings in Pirna, stolen in 1981 from a residence in Mercatale, near Florence. San Francisco, California: Three Remington paintings, stolen from a Mountain Lakes, NJ, collector.
Remington paintings (above); Blarenberghe and figure pin decorative arts; Blarenberghe miniatures; objects of art; Socrates head antiquity; miscellaneous coins.
Stolen Art Alert
Jerusalem, Israel: Antique watches from Mayer Memorial Institute for Islamic Art, including a Breguet, “Perpétuelle Marie Antoinette,” 1783. New York, New York: 27 “Postage Stamp” drawings by Karl Schwesig, 1941, from Leo Baeck Institute; Picasso, Dürer, and other works from New York galleries. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: William Harnett, Still Life—Five Dollar Bill, taken from Museum of Art. Delaware County, Pennsylvania: Seven Grandma Moses paintings from a residence. Washington, D.C.: Four Civil War handwritten notes, taken from a display case at the National Portrait Gallery.