Volume 16, No. 4
April 1995
War Booty in Russia
— Constance Lowenthal
Two exhibitions of art confiscated during World War II opened recently: "Hidden Treasures Revealed," at the Hermitage and the Pushkin Museum's "Twice Saved." For both the issue is “Who owns the art?‼
U.S.-El Salvador Accord on Imports
— Kathleen Ferguson
The two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding restricting U.S. importation of certain categories of pre-Hispanic archaeological material.
English High Court on Schiele Forgery
— Franklin Feldman
The English High Court rules for the plaintiff in a case where Marie Zelinger de Balkany sued Christie's for a refund of purchase price of Egon Schiele forgery. Case breaks new ground in defining what an authentic painting is.
Homer(?) Recovered with Help of Christie's and Customs
— Anna J. Kisluk
Winslow Homer watercolor, Off Gloucester Harbor, returned to owner 25 years after it was stolen, but the original work was altered.
Museum Gets Back Moran Landscape
— A.J.K.
Valley of the Cuernavaca returned to the National Museum of American Art 20 years after it was stolen.
London Recovery—Chelsea Porcelain
— A.J.K.
London police recover five of seven pieces stolen from Christie's in May 1994.
Grandma Moses Paintings Destroyed
— A.J.K.
FBI arrested James Campanella in theft of December and Brown Church from the Bennington Museum in Vermont and their subsequent destruction.