Volume 15, No. 4
April 1994
Fine Copy of Lely Portrait Found in Alaska Gun Shop
— Nancy J. Little
Tracing the provenance of a James II portrait
European Community Directive on Cultural Returns
— Victoria J. Vitrano)
EC nations approve Regulation on the Export of Cultural Goods and Directive on the Return of Cultural Objects Unlawfully Removed from the Territory of a Member State. Answers countries’ concerns about removal of customs controls within EC at the end of 1993. Directive establishes legal procedure for return of illegally removed objects.
“Lord Peter” the Cheater
— Victoria J. Vitrano)
Charles Crutcher, man of many identities, admits illegally transporting stolen 17th-century David Teniers the Younger painting, A Peasant Filling His Pipe.
Ohio Seller of Amiel Prints Charged
— Florence Swanstrom
Federal Trade Commission accuses Cornelius Gabos, Cleveland seller of purported “limited edition” prints.
Lippo Vanni Illuminations and St. Aubin Returned
— Florence Swanstrom
U.S. Customs returns to Italy five illuminated manuscript pages; missing St. Aubin drawing is left at IFAR's front desk.
Athens Theft of Modern Prints
— Florence Swanstrom
38 works by Picasso, Matisse, Chagall, Giacometti, Léger, and Miró taken from Goulandris-Horn Foundation, Athens.