Volume 15, No. 12
December 1994
Ten Important Thefts Reported in 1994
J.M.W. Turner, Light and Color (Goethe's Theory)-the Morning After the Deluge-Moses Writing the Book of Genesis, and Shade and Darkness-The Evening of the Deluge, and Friedrich, Nebelschwaden; Fabergé, collection from Luton Hoo; Mather Brown, Portrait of Thomas Jefferson; George William Headley III, creations and collectibles from the Headley Whitney Museum, Lexington, KY; Eighteenth century embroidery, Shepherd and Shepherdess, from Milwaukee Art Museum; 15 manuscripts from 14th and 15th-century Europe, eight 19th-century Arab manuscripts, and two 15th-century European books; Francesco di Antonio, St. John the Baptist and St. Anthony Abbot, panels from an altarpiece from a Tucson, AZ church; Pablo Picasso, Christ of Montmartre; five figures, a candlestick group, and a teapot with cover, all made by the Chelsea Porcelain Factory, were stolen from a London auction house exhibition gallery; Pieter Lastman, The Crucifixion of Christ
Ten Important Recoveries in 1994
Edvard Munch, The Scream; Petrus Christus, Christ as the Man of Sorrows; Khmer, end of 12th century to beginning of 13th century, from temple in Angkor, Body of a Female Deity; John James Audubon, The Birds of America, folio of hand-painted engravings; Lippo Vanni, five illuminated manuscript pages from Book of Anthems; Pablo Picasso, Woman with Blue Collar; Vincent van Gogh, Seated Peasant Woman; Francesco Guardi, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore; pair of silver ecclesiastical flagons from St. Cuthbert's Church, Wells; Gabriel Metsu, Washerwoman.
Met Tapestries Turn up in London
— Constance Lowenthal
A London dealer recognized the Gobelin tapestries stolen from the Institute of Fine Arts, where they had been on loan from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in 1982. A rug dealer, innocent of any knowledge of the theft, offered them to him for sale.
Picassos Stolen Again
— Anna J. Kisluk
Seven works by Picasso and one by Pascin were stolen from the Max Bollag Gallery in Zurich, Switzerland, in October.
Court Rules Under Moral Right Statute: Incomplete Sculpture Must Stand
— Franklin Feldman
Carter v. Helmsley-Spear upholds the 1990 Visual Arts Rights Act, which guarantees artists the rights of paternity and integrity, providing some protection for an artist's "non-economic ambitions."