Volume 15, No. 10
October 1994
Lost in Montmartre–Parisian Pastiche
— Clara Graziani Bronson
Watercolor of Parisian street scene in the manner of Utrillo submitted to IFAR for authentication
Museum Theft Now a Federal Crime
— Jonathan S. Kaufman
Important new art crime defined: "Theft of Major Artwork" part of federal crime bill signed on September 13.
A Registrar's Work Is Never Done
— Constance Lowenthal
Issues and implications of keeping track of the inventory of museums, libraries and historical societies. Examples from the Guggenheim Museum, the Gene Autry Western Heritage Museum and Albert Sidney Johnston's collection.
Renoir Thief Gets Ten Years
— Anna J. Kisluk
Wallpaper hanger pleaded guilty to stealing twelve paintings, including two Renoirs, a Corot, and a Bierstadt, from an Atlanta-area mansion. Novice did not know how to sell stolen art.
Just In - Theft at Rembrandt House
Two paintings by Rembrandt's teacher, Pieter Lastman, stolen from Rembrandt House Museum in Amsterdam in late July.
IFAR Helps Physician Return 1763 Headstone Stolen on Halloween
— Anna J. Kisluk
New York radiologist finds Johannes Zuricher headstone from Brooklyn Dutch Reformed church. Artifact from European-Dutch period of NY history belonged to Lefferts family.