Volume 15, No. 1
January 1994
Female Deity Returned to Angkor From Paris
— Constance Lowenthal
Headless female Khmer statue turned over to Cambodia
Two More Ownership Cases Settle Out of Court: No Precedents Set in Greece or Guggenheim
— Florence Swanstrom
Out-of-court settlement in Greece v Michael Ward between the Michael Ward Gallery, New York, and Greek government over 15th century B.C. gold jewelry; Guggenheim v. Lubell case over Chagall gouache, also quickly settled out of court.
Theft at a Roman Necropolis
— Florence Swanstrom
“Tombs of the Claudii” Necropolis vandalized; dancing female figure stucco relief (pictured) stolen.
Picasso Stolen in Chicago
— Anna J. Kisluk
1928 oil, Tête, taken from Richard Tate Gallery.
Staff in Review —1993
— Constance Lowenthal
Personnel changes at IFAR, as it enters its 25th year.