Volume 12, No. 11
November 1991
New Cultural Property Directory: Ministries of Over 90 Nations Included
— Constance Lowenthal
IFAR publishes directory of where to address inquiries as to cultural property claims
The Future of Counterfeits: Fake Art Sold As Such Will Cause Trouble
— Virgilia H. Pancoast
When fakes change hands, inevitably many of them will be mistaken for the real thing.
The Future of Counterfeits: Varnished Print of Goya Portrait Mistaken for Original
— Virgilia H. Pancoast
IFAR expert confirms printing process in small version of Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuñiga.
ALR Aids in London Recovery
— Sarah Jackson
Art Loss Register works with Christie's to recover Rudolf von Alt harbor scene stolen from Fine Art Society in London.
Los Angeles Scam Artist Pleads Guilty
— Anna J. Kisluk
James Hunt sentenced to three years for buying works of art with bad checks, or selling art he did not own.
United States Information Agency publishes booklet on efforts to prevent illicit trade in cultural property: Preserving Mankind’s Heritage, U.S. Efforts to prevent Illicit Trade in Cultural Property.
Stolen Art Alert
$50,000 reward for René Lalique bracelet.
Still Missing
Paintings, Pastels, Mixed Media Works, Watercolors: Magritte, Decalcomanie.