IFAR Journal
Volume 5, No. 4
Beyond Connoisseurship?- The Future Study of Master Drawings—An IFAR Evening
— David Rosand
In this article based on his IFAR talk, Professor Rosand discusses graphic works by Michelangelo and Rembrandt in the context of the two historical “lines” of drawing: the representational and the self-referential
The Anatomy of an Etruscan Tomb Forgery: Case Unresolved
— P. Gregory Warden
The University of Pennsylvania Museum in Philadelphia has one of the finest collections of Etruscan art in the U.S. Included in the collection is a tomb group from Chiusi known as the “Ziro Burial” group. Recently scholars began to notice modern additions and incorrect placement of the objects.
News and Updates: Art Theft-and-Switch: It’s a Crime, but Not an Art. Targets: A Matisse and a Dalí
— Sharon Flescher
The author contrasts the reaction to two recent thefts. Matisse’s Odalisque with Red Pantaloons, 1925 had been missing from the Contemporary Art Museum in Caracas (MACCSI) for two years before anyone noticed. Christ on the Cross by Salvador Dalí was also stolen, but from a prison instead of a museum. In March, 2003 the painting was discovered missing from its case at Riker’s Island.
News and Updates: IFAR Statement on Iraq
— Sharon Flescher
A call by IFAR to protect the precious archaeological and cultural artifacts and monuments in Iraq both during and after the war. Also a statement mourning the looting of the National Museum in Baghdad and a pledge to help in the recovery.
News and Updates: Two New Rembrandts Admitted to Canon
— Gertrude Wilmers
Two newly attributed Rembrandt paintings have been admitted to the canon.
News and Updates: Supreme Court Upholds Copyright Act
— Alexandra Minkovich
The Supreme Court voted 7-2 to uphold the constitutionality of the controversial 1998 Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act (extending copyright for an additional twenty years) in the Eldred v. Ashcroft case. (See the five articles in previous issue, Vol.5, No.3.)
News and Updates: Schultz Appeals in Federal Court
— Sharon Flescher and Alexandra Minkovich
Art dealer Frederick Schultz, who was convicted last year under the National Stolen Property Act (NSPA) for conspiring to smuggle antiquities from Egypt into the U.S., has appealed his conviction in federal court. The Second Circuit will now rule on the case.
Beware: Heliogravures Can Fool the Unwitting
— Sharon Flescher
IFAR’s Authentication Service was asked to review a purported drawing by Degas depicting a dancer and a man with a hat.
Letter to the Editor—Re: “Copyright or Copywrong?”
— Franklin Feldman
The correspondent suggests that Congress distinguish between copyright for authors/creators and copyright for corporate assignees.
Stolen Art Alert
Thefts include: Henri Matisse, Odalisque in Red Pantaloons, 1925; Francis Bacon, Attrib., Study for the Pope; Jean Dubuffet, Femme se Coiffant, 1944; Raoul Dufy, St. James’ Palace London, 1936; Andy Warhol, Punk Rock Marilyn (print), 1960s-70s.
In Memoriam—Leon Levy, member of IFAR’s Board of Directors
— Jack A. Josephson
The Chairman of the IFAR Board pays tribute to Leon Levy.