IFAR Journal
Volume 2, No. 2
Spring 1999
Technical Examination Methods: A Retrospective Look at Degas’ Little Dancer Aged Fourteen
— Arthur C. Beale
Technical examination of the bronze casts helps us better understand the processes used by Degas and allows modern scholars to get closer to Degas’ original work
The Russo-German Dispute on “Trophy Art” – A Counterpart to the Discussion on “Nazi-Looted Art”
— Kristiane Burchardi and Christof Kalb
A discussion by two German scholars, of the issues surrounding the return of art taken from Germany by Russians in the wake of WW II.
Updates & Newsbriefs: The Odyssey of a Forged Renoir
— Sharon Flescher
After more than ten years of circulation a forged Renoir is now in the hands of the LAPD.
An IFAR Evening: The Jacob Lawrence Catalogue Raisonné Project
— Peter T. Nesbett
Lecture, by author of the forthcoming catalogue raisonné, exploring the ethical issues raised when completing such a work on a living artist and the organization behind the project.
Book Reviews: Recent Publications on the “Materials” of Old Master Paintings
— Joyce Hill Stoner
An overview of Conservation Studies and a discussion of five recommended books and series on conservation.
Updates & Newsbriefs: Ancient Art… New Developments: The Getty Follows Policy and Returns Three Antiquities
— Sharon Flescher
After learning that three of their pieces were either stolen or illegally excavated, the Getty Museum returns the antiquities to Italy.
Updates & Newsbriefs: Settlement in the Ten-Year Dispute Over the Elmali Coins
— Sharon Flescher
American businessman, William Koch, hands over disputed coins to Turkish officials.
Updates & Newsbriefs: Stolen Pissarro Painting Returns to Worchester
— Sharon Flescher
A Pissarro painting missing for 20 years goes to the Worcester Art Museum.
Updates & Newsbriefs: Three Cheers for Larry Majewski
— Sharon Flescher
Symposium honors Professor Emeritus Lawrence J. Majewski on his 80th Birthday.
Updates & Newsbriefs: Columbia University Conference: Who Owns Culture?
— Sharon Flescher
A summary of the University’s three-day conference in April on cultural property and patrimony.