IFAR Journal
Volume 1, No. 1
Spring 1998
Mary Magdalene: The Royal Predilection for Her Image
— Clara Graziani Bronson
The authentication of a Magdalene painting leads to a history of using the Magdalene as a portrait type as well as the popularization of this type of imagery on the courts of the 17th and 18th centuries
The French Law of Experts: A Corrected View
— Franklin Feldman
A look at the view of the “moral right” in the French Courts. At an IFAR conference the panel members concluded that the person granted the “moral right” did not have to be an authenticator for that particular artist's work.
Panel Takes on “Challenges” of the Catalogue Raisonné
— Jennifer Landes
At a IFAR Panel discussion the ethical challenges of producing a catalogue raisonné are examined. Problems such as artists denying the authenticity of works they actually made and sponsorship of the catalogue raisonné are discussed.
Treasure Salvers Win a Victory in the Ninth Circuit
— Carla Shapreau
A debate about who has the right to objects found in shipwrecks and a look at the various laws in place about the topic.
Are Collectors Destroying our Cultural Heritage?
— Jack A. Josephson
A look at the controversies surrounding the taking of ancient artifacts out of their original countries and the treatment of such artifacts in the art market.
Appraising Drawings 101—Kathleen Harwood Gives the Basics for Beginners
— Jennifer Landes
The process through which a work is appraised is explained.
IFAR’s New Neighbor: International Print Center New York
— Jacqueline Berg
The IPCNY moves in and shares office space with IFAR. The non-profit organization promotes the appreciation of fine art prints.
Book Review: Painting Numbers
— Jennifer Landes
Landes reviews Painting Numbers, edited by JoAnn Wypijewski.