Artist: Picasso, Pablo (1881 -1973)
- Item Title:
- Picasso 1900-1906 : catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre peint : 1900, 1901, 1906, Pierre Daix ; 1902 à 1905, Georges Boudaille ; catalogue établi avec la collaboration de Joan Rosselet
- Author(s):
- Daix, Pierre ;  Boudaille, Georges ;  Rosselet, Joan
- Imprint:
- Neuchâtel : Editions Ides et Calendes, 1988
- Language:
- French
- Edition:
- revised
- Size:
- 33
- Pages:
- 383
- Concordance:
- No
- Bibliography:
- Yes
- Index:
- No
- Exhibition List:
- No
- Chronology:
- No
- Public Note:
- A revised reprint with a new introduction of the original l966 French edition (which was published in English as "Picasso; The Blue and Rose Period…", cited in this database). See as well the author's companion study: "Le cubisme de Picasso…, 1979", also cited in this database.