
IFAR Journal Wins Award in 2009 AAM Publications Contest

April 2009


We are very pleased to announce that the IFAR Journal has won First Prize in its category (Scholarly Journals, Smaller Institutions) in the 2009 American Association of Museums’ Publications Contest. The award was announced by the AAM in April and the Journal  is being displayed with other contest winners at the AAM’s Annual Conference in Philadelphia, April 30 - May 3.

This years' award is the fourth that the IFAR Journal has won in the AAM’s Annual Publication Contest. We are honored and delighted. Kudos to our designer, Ana Lucia Rosales-Boujnah, and to our editorial and production team: Dr. Sharon Flescher, Editor-in-Chief, and Kathleen Ferguson, Editor. A thank-you as well to all the writers and Advisory Council members and others who have contributed to the success of this still relatively new publication (introduced in1998). A  heartfelt “thank you” to all our funders, whose support enables us to continue our work, and a special “thank you” to those funders who have specifically supported the IFAR Journal, including: the Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation, The Liman Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the International Music and Art Foundation.

The IFAR Journal goes to subscribers in 19 countries, is incorporated into the curricula of many universities, and its articles are frequently cited and reproduced. The unique Stolen Art Alert, included in each issue of the Journal, has been published by IFAR since 1977. IFAR views the Journal as an integral part of its educational mission.